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  • Is the Agent opportunity a Network Marketing or MLM opportunity
    Absolutely not. There is no talk here of levels, matrix, binary or other such terms related to these type of opportunities. This is a simple traditional sales opportunity for SureAz physical products, all of which have a Distributor, Wholeale and Retail price, with some innovative twists to ensure brand awareness and repeat product sales are foremost in the marketing. All sales are on a horizontal only basis. The more sales made from wearing the Products by you and only people you DIRECTLY introduce, the larger the repeat sales can be generated from product repurchasing and promotional product give aways.
  • Are the products available anywhere globally?
    Yes, because all of our products are fashion type products, they do not require to go through any stringent regulations as with some health products etc. Products are ordered from the internet and can be shipped anywhere globally.
  • Can I purchase Retail products?
    Yes, anyone wanting to purchase retail products will be able to do so at our regular retail pricing.
  • What is a DIRECT Agent
    You become a DIRECT Agent if you decide you wish to build a Business instead of just purchasing our retail products. A DIRECT Agent has to invest in their chosen wholesale package from $49 with benefits from the automatic product re-purchasing and advertising/sponsorship features. There is only a one-off product package purchase due to the automatic product re-purchasing feature. The DIRECT Agent profits from others wholesale package and retail sales in the Business model.
  • How do I become a DIRECT Agent
    To become a Direct Agent, you simply need to purchase an appropriate Agent package and be able to pay the monthly fee which goes wholly towards advertising/sponsorship and re-purchasing of products. As with all businesses there is an ingoing cost and regular expenses. With this sales model they are very low compared to operating retail premises in this market.
  • What is the quality of the products?
    We aim for top quality in all our products to enable us to command a retail price similar to the top brands. Where possible we will use sustainable and environmentally friendly products. Some of our products however will also be purely promotional, so may of course be of lesser quality than our main products due to their bulk intended use for brand name recognition. We are not here to compete on price, as the margins are very necessary to sustain our marketing plan with advertising/sponsorship and automated re-purchasing of products. We intend to use products from local manufactureres where possible, where we have a reasonable base of members in the country.
  • Which Wholesale Package is the best to purchase?
    You should only ever purchase the wholesale package you can afford. Saying this, to maximize the return the higher level product purchases will put you into a serious earning position a lot sooner than the lower level packages. If you are not qualified at a package level then any sales which come through your advertising/efforts will be passed to the nearest qualified person. As these will involve repeat sales, then you could stand to lose considerably if you lose out on a sale.
  • Are there any Refunds offered?
    Due to the international marketing of the SureAz business, we offer no refunds on products purchased internationally outside of New Zealand. This is mainly due to the logistical and cost issues of dealing with members returning goods and the cost of resending to the member, whcih would be a further charge to them. In our base country of New Zealand, we will adhere to the Fair Trading Act and its requirements to products sold within its borders. It is of course in our interests to make sure the products are of merchantable quality so that our brand is represented accordingly.
  • What is Automatic Product Re-purchasing?
    Every time products are sold a percentage goes into a Product Re-purchase Pool. As the only way to make profit is from the sale of products, this gives a never-ending potential of new product sales, therefore creating more profits for all. As this feature is in place, we have no requirement for monthly auto-ships and product purchases could be daily or even multiple times in a day. This places a lot of products into the market-place and therefore gives exceptional brand awareness. These products can be 'given away' to local organisations to enable you to build your Business. Product re-purchases are actioned at the end of every month and apply where there is sufficient in the Product Re-Purchase Pool to re-purchase a minimum priced product package. The automatic purchase will always go to the nearest product purchase level
  • What is Automatic Advertising/Sponsorship?
    If you don't advertise, something terrible happens....NOTHING! Most direct marketing Businesses fail because they run out of prospects quickly. As we have built a large percentage into the cost of the product, then this automatically builds a Pool which is used to advertise and offer sponsorship. This way you should never run out of prospects. Yes, your net profit percentage is lower, however it is better to have a lot of sales with a lower net profit than few sales with larger profits. This is also advantageous to new members as it is in every member's interest to build their team and you could have members placed with you from the results of the Automatic Advertising/Sponsorship.
  • Is the Package price a one-off price?
    Yes, due to the design of the marketing plan. Like any Business, there are ongoing business expenses and continual product purchase is required by the SureAz Brand to keep the Brand uppermost in the market-place. As with more product sales comes more Advertising/Sponsorship and this creates a perpetual product purchasing cycle. Product re-purchasing keeps the products uppermost for brand awareness, the Advertising/Sponsorship Pools keep new members coming in to purchase product packages
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