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Latest News: Our Launch Team in each country will consist of a maximum of 1 x Country Sports Entrepreneur Package, 3 x Founder Sport Pinnacle Partner Package AND 6 x Founder Sport Winner Packages. These Packages will be given priority and Reserved Positioning as long as they are purchased prior to the Official Launch of SureAz and will be first come first served and Founder prices are only available prior to Pre-Launch.
We also have adjusted our marketing plan so the 2nd sale only is passed as a qualifier to your Sponsor, meaning that you can begin getting a return on your very first sale. Your Sponsor is also likely to pass down Advertising budget or Product Re-Purchase budget from their Pools (or maybe income too!!) as it will benefit their Business to see you progressing.
Our software will allow you to share your Product Re-Purchases and Advertising and Sponsorship budget by $ value or percentage with chosen members you introduce to your Business. By doing this you are helping new members and building your Business at the same time. You will simply allocate the value or percentage and the amount will be transferred to the appropriate chosen member. A win-win for you and your Business Team! Here is just one example.....imagine allocating a Team member a $ value from your Product Re-Purchase Pool which they then use these products for sponsorship prizes, giving their Business more exposure and in turn building your Business at the same time, when new members join from that exposure.

The Opportunities to Profit*

You can profit from becoming a wholesale package purchaser and marketing packages to other potential wholesale purchasers via the automated Advertising/Sponsorship and Product Re-Purchase Features OR you can sell the wholesale products and make a retail profit. You will also be able to market any excess advertising budget for straight sale or for negotiated additional split with an interested wholesale purchaser.
We are highly geared towards Advertising/Sponsorship/Philanthropy and Product Re-Purchasing, as this will drive the brand forward and ultimately make you more perpetual income. It is better to have a lot of sales at a lower net profit margin than no sales due to lack of advertising and a high net profit margin.
With the structure in place, we will have no requirement to have auto-ship of monthly products as the Product Re-purchase pool will serve the purpose of continually providing new products from which Members will be in a position to benefit perpetually from repeat commissions from their Team. 
Within the Advertising/Sponsorship/Philanthropy Pool, you will have the option of using the funds for Advertising, Sponsoring Individuals or Groups in reaching their Goals, or choosing to use the funds for a specific philanthropic/charitable preference for Individuals rather than Organisations. All these options cause exposure for the Brand and ultimately more sales and profits for all.
You ONLY get paid at the level you purchase. If a member in your payline purchases a higher value purchase then the sale will go to the nearest qualified person.
Product Re-Purchases are very powerful as they give you a totally new position and the process will repeat. Your team follow you, so it gives you a perpetual earning capability.
A one-off* initial purchase price is a lot more attractive than having to continually pay monthly fees.  A personal Sports Pinnacle (or pass up due to an unqualified member) would generate you hundreds of dollars into your advertising pool and the same of new products to retail or to use for Sponsorship purposes....and that's just ONE sale! Because even the highest level Sports Mogul package cost is very low in business terms, then imagine multiple amounts like this coming to you and how this will build your Business.
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Package Options

Please note that ALL Product packages sold internationally are non-refundable due to high return freight cost, logistical reasons and quality issues with return of goods. However the only exception to this policy is if packages are sold in our own Country (New Zealand) where we of course adhere to the Sale of Goods Act, however in this instance goods will only be refunded if they are not of merchantable quality and will be exchanged or refunded only in this instance. Package prices quoted INCLUDE freight of the goods by normal international mail or possibly international courier with higher value packages. If you do not accept our non-refundable terms, please do not purchase a package

Sports Entrepreneur

Brainstorm to Success
Country Positions



The Sports Entrepreneur position is currently the highest available in SureAz and consequently requires the highest investment in your Business. They will benefit from an agreed percentage of ALL company sales in their Country.

Price on request.

We intend to choose from our Sports Entrepreneur positions, Global Partners, as the Brand develops who would share in ALL Company Sales.

      Sports Supporter  


      Sports Inductee   


         Sports Fan        


      Sports Rookie      


        Sports Star         


       Sports Coach       


      Sports Legend       


      Sports Partner       

Ready to Run
Wholesale Package Purchasing


We have TEN wholesale package options, as below, together with ONE Very Limited Founder option which is FREE in addition to your chosen package and subject to availability.

To become a Founder it is simple. You choose a package, make payment during the countdown clock period, subject to availability, and you will receive a 20% package discount and exclusive Founder printed products (which could have an increasing value as the brand grows) plus future Founder benefits to be detailed later.

You join at the wholesale package you can afford, however if from the automated advertising someone joins at a higher value package level, then that complete sale will be passed to the nearest qualified person in line. Due to our unique system however all may not be lost, as that person who collects the sale could also be helping you with their advertising budget. So it is good business to get to the highest level as soon as possible so as to capitalize on all sales and not miss out on income.

The available wholesale profit split is as follows:

35% to Qualified Line Team Leader's Advertising,Sponsorship,Philanthropic,Opportunity Diversification Pool for brand awareness (FIRST SALE ONLY)

35% to AUTOMATIC Product Re-Purchase Pool. All re-purchase funds go to the Qualified Line Leader's Re-Purchase Pool.  Products can be given away for sponsorship purposes creating brand awareness and additional sales. (FIRST SALE ONLY). The re-purchase product sales can be placed under your chosen team members to keep your Business building.

30% NET Cash profit to the Qualified Team Leader (FIRST SALE ONLY)

The 2nd and further sales will be paid to you as you will head your Qualified Line and be the Qualified Team Leader with all first sales in your qualified line being paid through to you.


       Sports Winner       

LIMITED Founder Discount

       Sports Pinnacle    

Contact for payment options
* Note all prices shown are in US dollars
Golfer hitting golf
Ready Set Go
Track and Field Athlete

      Sports Shopper     

Retail Purchasing

The Sports Shopper option is is for those that just require to purchase SureAz products at a retail price. The retail profit will go to the Agent selling them to you and their Direct Agent.

The retail profit component of products sold from the website will be as follows:

35% to Advertising,Sponsorship,Philanthropic Pool of the Direct Agent for brand awareness. This will go to the Qualified Line Leader.

35% to AUTOMATIC Product Re-Purchase Pool of the Direct Agent for purchasing new products.This will go to the Qualified Line Leader.

30% NET Cash profit.This will go to the Qualified Line Leader


The higher your automatic product re-purchase pool, the better your residual earnings!

The more products sold the higher your advertising pool due to the automatic advertising split from each product purchase! The more advertising you build, the more product sales! This solves the problem of when you run out of warm market leads with other Businesses. As soon as your Advertising Pool has sufficient funds, we will automatically place Ads under your website address with suppliers as below, unless you specify you want to place funds too to sponsorship. This should then result in an automatic constant flow of Leads to your Business

It is also important to note that for new members you can literally be given new paid members as a result of the product re-purchasing and automated advertising. Imagine getting a new Sports Mogul member placed under you and the instant return (subject to your package level).

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        Sports Sponsor       

Fashion Model
Sports Sponsor Benefits

There is a big advantage in actually assisting other up and coming sports persons as each time you do this then it opens up a whole new warm market of leads, as family, friends of those who become to know you are the Sponsor and will be immediately interested in knowing more about you and this is when you can supply them further information about your SureAz business.

As soon as you activate your Sponsor budget with a chosen sports person then you will receive special recognition from Sureaz and we will be supplying special 'Sponsor Neoprene Wristbands to those who have activated their Sponsor budget.

        Sports Promoter       

Sports Promoter Benefits

This is when you can market your spare advertising budget in return for a fee split from a new or existing member.

This is very powerful as because we are so advertising focused, this is an excellent way of easily getting an unlimited amount of income splits from members who are needing your advertising to get them a passive income. The more advertising you share, the more income you can gain! 

This is a win-win for both the Sports Promoter and the member as both benefit from this simple arrangement.


Networking Event
Diversified Business Opportunities


From Funds in your Advertising/Sponsorship Pool you will also be able to increase your income streams by joining with tested diversified Business Opportunities in other large markets such as Travel, Health, Online opportunities.

The reasoning for this is that it not only expands your income earning capability, but it also can assist with new Leads for your Business e.g. somebody may be interested in a Travel Business and then they also see the SureAz opportunity, which they may join later. So it just expands your reach. 

Mountain Biking in the Fog
Urban Running

What to do next

We will place a link here when the Back office is ready for product package purchasing and which will provide you with your referral link.
So, watch this space during the Pre-Launch period!
You can also register advance interest by contacting us as per the details at the base of our website.
*Please note that the above profit splits could change as the Brand develops. without prior approval of members
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